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Scanned documents are SO useful – or are they?

Aerorock did a survey of accounting firms asking whether they scan documents to PDF format. And we met with a puzzling answer. While 63% of respondents said they Scan Paper Documents into digital files “All the Time” a miniscule proportion have library software to...

Make software version problems history

The software industry has thrived for the past 35 years on releasing new versions of popular programs and then sat back smiling as we all are forced to pay to upgrade our computers to work with the latest package. It was costly in terms of time and money and caused...

Moving to the Cloud

Written by Anna Tabrum If you are a small business, either starting up, or already established, you may have heard of cloud computing. The question is: what kind of value can moving to the cloud add to your business? To gain insight we decided to talk to Vend, a cloud...

Get wireless internet in the office

At home, many of us have a wireless router (wifi) running so that all the family members can get online without hard wire connections to the internet. Why don’t we all have office wifi too? In a recent survey by Aerorock we found that 15% of firms surveyed in do not...