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Hard Drive Failure. Used under CC - Photo by Jon Ross

Backups are a critical, but often overlooked, part of making sure your business runs smoothly. Many Kiwi small businesses are utilizing no backup systems at all. Those few that do have a system are generally still using tape backups that are swapped over by the secretary every night or just that external hard drive that is plugged straight into the server… I’m here to tell you THAT ISN’T GOOD ENOUGH.

Here in New Zealand we have only to look at the plight of the many Christchurch small businesses lost their critical data after the earthquakes. DON’T LET THIS HAPPEN TO YOU.

I know backups seem complicated, but there are very easy ways to automate backups so they just happen automagically! And setup these backups so that they follow the:


The backup rule of three (also called the Backup 3-2-1 rule) says:

  • 3 copies of everything you need to protect – so all of your data should be stored in 3 different places
  • 2 different formats – I would suggest automatically backing up to an external hard drive PLUS a cloud backup solution. One or the other is not enough.
  • 1 off-site backup – if the office burns down/gets robbed/is in the middle of an earthquake how will you get your files back? This is where an automated cloud backup saves the day.



Because disasters happen everyday and why take the risk with your critical business data? These days strong, robust backup & recovery systems are easy to implement, they will do the backup work for you automatically, and they cost very little to run. In reality its cheap insurance to make sure your critical business data is still safe even in a worst case scenario.


WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?Martin And Jason 240x120