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Aerorock did a survey of accounting firms asking whether they scan documents to PDF format.

And we met with a puzzling answer.

While 63% of respondents said they Scan Paper Documents into digital files “All the Time” a miniscule proportion have library software to manage these scans.

How daft is that?

Obviously this is not taking full advantage of digital documentation – a search / retrieval system will make life much easier for accounting firms who do create digital documents.

You create a document in a digital format, but cannot file or retrieve it using digital methods.

This is a clear case of the user ploughing forward with tools that help them do their job more easily and the firm lagging behind in providing the functionality that supports user needs.

If you ran a factory, you’d give your workers the tools they need to do their jobs wouldn’t you?

Why don’t accounting firms do the same?


Libraries help us find documents we’ve filed

Paper book libraries are familiar to all of us, but electronic libraries operate in the same way. Without a cataloging system and an easy means of retrieval they’re as useful as a chocolate teapot.

You need an electronic document filing and retrieval system.

There, I’ve said it out loud. Well that’s a weight off my chest.

Expert review website Trust Radius has a great list of different solutions and accurate user reviews. The ones favoured by New Zealand Accounting firms are Sharepoint, MYOB Document Manager, Xero and Suitefiles.

Aerorock can guide you to a solution that suits your firm’s needs and implement the transition. But like dieting, first you need to realise that you’ve got a problem….